IMG_2738  IMG_2771

Social media and social disorder

3rd world countries and new world order

Social animal build a fancy cage

One world with many borders

Life is cheap and living is harder

A Little child has drowned in front of his father

Empty stomach and less feeders

Holy books and less readers

Poor public and rich leaders

They want us to be just breeders

The Misled can become succeeders

A Capitalist stealing milk from a kids feeder

Stubborn  behavior less to consider

Muted actions and words are louder

A bee involved in conspiracy with a spider

Refugees are dying at the border

Imperialist has a court order

Awards are being sold by awarder

We are all worried to get our bread n butter

As we forgot about “God” who’s a provider


© 2015 thefallingthoughts All Rights Reserved

150 responses to “TYRANNY

  1. Reading this and looking at the accompanying photos felt like a punch to my heart. I’m just devastated by the state of our world. It breaks my fragile heart…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Humanity, A Fragile Hack | INK AND QUILL·

  3. Pingback: My Article Read (9-19-2015) | My Daily Musing·

  4. Powerful words and very apt but sad that after 4 years of conflict and a childs death that all this and I mean it very widely is now happening throughout the world…I hope poems like yours resonate and make people truly think and do 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You have a way of making your readers feel every statement, emotion and feeling that you as the writer is going through. The one the that I have learned from being a student of History that people (countries) is that we don’t learn from our mistakes we are destiny to make the over and over again.

    I really like your work and I would love to see more of it too. Thanks Kat

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Brilliant! Where I come from, we say, ‘the writer has his/her finger on the pulse’. You certainly have yours on the pulse of this ever expanding, global issue. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. beautiful construction…powerful language.

    “Muted actions and words are louder

    A bee involved in conspiracy with a spider

    Refugees are dying at the border

    Imperialist has a court order

    Awards are being sold by awarder

    We are all worried to get our bread n butter

    As we forgot about “God” who’s a provider”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This makes me sad, sadness at the images in your words, sad that it’s so true. And helpless. I feel helpless in my sadness. Yes, I work for a better world, and yes I am careful with whom I vote for, and yes, I send donations and I write letters to congress people, and it does not change my sadness.

    Liked by 1 person

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