
The Moonlight travels to the earth

To kiss your soft cheeks and be felt by you

Red roses become wet and more red

when they get close and kissed by you

A firefly asks for direction when he loses his way

The honey bee always wants to sit on you

The fragrance of your body is so magical

Anyone can turn into stone if they’re touched by you

Birds are whispering all over the world

The colours belong to us but God gave them to you

Your eyes are like two stars

I saw the sun drowning in you

Everyone tries to wear that dress,

The dress, which is worn by you 

If you ever talk to some random guy

He gets popular from being noticed by you

You’ve always wanted to be loved

So finally God gave Yaz to you 😘


© 2015 thefallingthoughts All Rights Reserved

65 responses to “MEDUSA

  1. Pingback: My Article Read (11-22-2015) | My Daily Musing·

  2. This piece is striking! I love your descriptive writing and the use of similes within this poem. “Medusa” is an exceptional title for this poem; wonder what inspired you to make it “Medusa.” Wonderful creative work, keep it up Yaz!

    -Mused Eyes

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Your photo took my attention, and I liked your word of your poem. There are several sentences in there that I absolutely love and that conjure up a whole beautiful imagination, and that is what true poetry is really about isn’t it. It did it for me, thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. My Friend, I would have never imagined the final scene, but then I’m not The Bard.
    And with that I will tell you where you got the name or inspiration….
    A song, a very misunderstood song.
    My Friend, I couldn’t help but notice that someone asked where you got the idea, and I heard the song before I read your answer.
    Very Good, as always!

    Liked by 2 people

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