About The Author

Yaz is the creative author of The Falling Thoughts.

A travel enthusiast, who is multi-lingual- fluent in Arabic, English, and Spanish.

He is a citizen of the world who has been to more than half of the world and is planning to see the rest.

He is passionate and sensitive and loves to showcase his creativity through writing, drawing, sketching and painting.

He is down to earth and has a strong faith in God.

Yaz uses this space to express words to inspire people to be more in touch with their feelings and thoughts.

Please click on the link to like thefallingthoughts Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/thefallingthoughts

Please follow me on Instagram


131 responses to “About The Author

  1. Hi Yaz
    Thank you for stopping by my sight today. I look forward to spending time on your site, looks very intriguing. I hope you stop by again, I write on many topic and always have music on Thursday.
    Nice to meet you.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Yaz. I’ve just been reading a few of your poems and am impressed by the way you delve into emotions and the causes of different types of human behaviour. I’ll look forward to reading more of your work in future.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks for checking out my blog and following. You’re a very talented writer and artist – I’m envious! I look forward to reading more.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thanks Yaz for visiting us and for liking! I greatly enjoy your poetry – wow, what a blessing to be so gifted. 🙂 We pray for your continued growth and success and are very appreciative of your time spent here.

    Blessings and love in Christ,
    Rebecca and Ma Chris

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Wow, Yaz, you are a walking advertisement for the Al Andalusian empire 😀 Arabic, Spanish and English! Wow. Thanks for dropping by my blog and following. 🙂
    Would love to read more in your blog, following now 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Pingback: About The Author | wwwpalfitness·

  7. Pingback: My First Award! Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award | THE NDG·

  8. Outstanding blog 🙂
    Thank you for your beatiful lyrical texts and everything else. It’s always a joy to come back to this page again and again.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Hey Yaz,

    I’ve stopped by here several times before and settled upon a leafy bough to enjoy your insightful and inspired thoughts. Your writing like your poetry is wonderfully spirited, radiant with energy and alive upon the wing, and it is always a pleasure to read, thank you.

    And thank you friend for also following my Blog. I appreciate your company there and will no doubt benefit from your well travelled mind.

    Until next time, take care and fly high 🙂


    DN – 09/09/2015

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Delighted to have found you after you kindly followed my blog. I have already enjoyed reading some of your compositions and love the look of the blog itself. Do you take all of the great photographs you use? TJ

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Glad we connected. Loved reading your poems and love to read more of your lovely work. I don’t know why but, I can relate with most of your passions 🙂 Thanking you for liking my work 😉
    Keep Smiling!! ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Hi there!
    Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far. I like the rhythm of your work and it seems to have a slam poetry feel to it, which is a style love.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Wonderful stuff on this here blog! I like your work, and your attitude! Thank you so much for visiting my own blog, and for liking some pieces! In fact, you were my 100th follower here on WP, so I would like to thank you a hundred times over!! Keep doing what you do, for it truly inspires!


    Liked by 2 people

  14. Hi Yaz! Thank you for following me. I would love to invite you to our creative community and add you to the Awesome Artist Directory. You can find and network with other artists and writers and have me reblog your posts. Just let me know! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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