
One :-We are zero and God is one

Two :-He is wise and true

Three:- Call his name and you will be worry free

Four :-Your restless soul; he has a cure

Five :-Praise God while you are alive

Six :-There’s nothing in this universe that he can’t fix

Seven:-Don’t choose hell over heaven

Eight:- God is gracious and great

Nine :-If he is on your side, then everything will be fine

Ten :- 1 helped zero to become 10


© 2015 thefallingthoughts All Rights Reserved

72 responses to “ONE GOD

  1. Yaz
    There aren’t more words to say, you said the truth which comforts me. I could not say the words better. Thank you for writing today, I really needed.
    Your Friend

    Liked by 3 people

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  4. Once more a stunning poem 🙂 Thank You! Even more sad people do misuse this faith and diverge from god in the elusive hope of getting near to him. Even if this sounds hard, maybe we don´t should be neither angry nor frigthened by these man, but sympathetic with them, as they got it totally wrong.
    By the way, have you heard of the ”Echad Mi Yodea” and ”Chad Gaya´´ far? This poem reminds me of it:
    I’ve read a beautiful (longer) version of this in a German and Yiddish version of the Pessach Haggada, but can´t find it online anywhere 😦
    God bless you,

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: ONE GOD – Br Andrew's Muses·

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