Solo quería decirte

que quiero estar a tu lado…

Y despertarte cada mañana

con un beso apasionado…

Quiero traerte flores…

Quiero escuchar en silencio 

los latidos de tu corazón …

Quiero amanecer contigo

acariciandote con pasión …

Quiero compartir mis sueños…

Quiero darte felicidad…

Quiero sacar tus tristezas

amándote hasta la eternidad…

y hacer de ti mi princesa

aqui y en el mas allá…

Quiero alegrarte el día

porque eres mi sueño y mi fantasía…

Solo me queda decirte

que no quiero cielo,sol ni calor…

Si no tengo la presencia de tu amor!


© 2015 thefallingthoughts All Rights Reserved

102 responses to “ELLA 

  1. It’s so fun for me to read this kind of poetry in Spanish. The words leap off the screen at me, fully translated and understandable. What a musical, beautiful, piece. Awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. beautiful poem….I can read Spanish better than I understand it, however I understood it well enough to feel the emotion, I was hearing a low, deep, sexy Latin voice reading it to me…the one in my head…..very nice…and your right you do not have to understand the language to understand the emotion behind the words…..

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: My Article Read (8-20-2015) | My Daily Musing·

  4. Hi there, I just saw you read on of my crazy little post´s and glad you did since it took me to your blog. Great poetry, you certainly transmit the passion and love, and it was fun reading one in Spanish, (I´m Spanish by the way) fun and beautiful, very well written.

    Que tengas un buen dia, y espero leer mas de tus poesias cuando el tiempo me lo permita.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: ELLA  | mygardenfoodandotherthings·

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